Treatment and Recovery at Source

The Treatment and Recovery at Source (TRAS) team at UGent focuses on local solutions for treatment of water, processing of biomass and recovery of resources such as metals and organics. We combine different disciplines, from electrochemistry to bioreactor engineering and mixed culture biotechnology. Applications focus on decentralized water and nutrient recovery, treatment of metal containing wastewaters, recovery of organics and added value production. Besides technological development, we holistically think about how new interventions can drive innovation and, in the end, an equitable, sustainable society.


Key to our research is the development of concepts and technology that minimize the use of chemicals and maximize recovery of resources. This includes development of models and concepts for on site water reuse (DOI), electrochemical technology for treatment and recovery, production of added value products such as microbial protein and succinic acid… Below a number of our ongoing research projects


In LUCRA, we develop a new pipeline for conversion of biomass to polymer grade succinic acid. Our key focus is on extraction using electrochemical systems.


In Agriloop we take organic acids produced during fermentation of agricultural side streams and convert them to microbial protein. Our research integrates kinetic evaluations on these complex streams and process optimization.


PROMIPOL is a FWO funded project in which we grow microorganisms full of protein, not to use it as food or feed but to produce plastics with them.


The MELiSSA project develops life support systems for space. We perform research on how organic acids can be removed with bioelectrochemical systems so that clean water is generated and CO2.


In ELECTRA we developed electrobioremediation systems. Our role was to remove nitrate from drinking water, which we did with fluidized BES


Korneel Rabaey
Martin Struk
Quinten Mariën
PhD student
Seppe Ongena
PhD student
Gaétan Herold
PhD student
Barthelemy Garcet
PhD student
Mike Taghon
Lab Manager
Annick Beyaert
Laboratory engineer

Centre for Advanced Process Technology for Urban REsource recovery
Frieda Saeysstraat 1, 9052 Gent